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Digital & Citizen Experience Personalization in Digital Services Roundtable

January 25, 2024 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST

Digital & Citizen Experience Personalization in Digital Services – the promise & challenges: Peer-to-Peer Roundtable

Digital services have changed the way most of us bank, shop, educate, entertain ourselves, travel, obtain healthcare and even work. Increasingly your citizens carry expectations into their public experience of ease in access and convenience set by these services.

Given the economics of digital services, there is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to deliver increasing value at decreasing cost. High potential exists for a win-win as governments deploy rising numbers of digital services – improving service for not only those citizens who subscribe to digital services as well as those who use traditional service channels through easing congestion.

Realizing this promising scenario requires development and deployment of digital services – as well as citizen uptake of these services. Key to closing the expectations gap is ensuring public digital services are readily locatable by citizens, with few to no barriers to subscribing to them.

Today digital services are most often published across a spectrum of locations within a CMS – typically organized by departments—net result: a highly fragmented view of government and difficulty in finding services of interest. When services are located, citizens are often directed to additional applications with discrete login credentials. This presents friction – which is not conducive to rapid and deep uptake of digital services.

Successfully addressing the “find & subscribe” challenge lies in the critical path of public sector services digitalization.


5 min | INTRO (Host & Delegates) Introductions

15 min | (Host) Services Digitalization & Personalization Context Setting

35 min | Q&A (Host & Delegates) Host moderates Q&A, encouraging delegates to share their stories, challenges, and successes

5 min | RECAP (Host) Recap discussion and key learnings; summarize how Converge can assist and recommend next steps

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