No Need To Go It Alone – Your Cloud Journey

Steve Gruber
December 8, 2020
Blogs | Cloud | Managed Services

Over the years, we have our seen our customers’ Cloud journeys take many different paths. We have also witnessed the rapid evolution of big box Public Cloud providers, as they became the place to whom most organizations turn to begin dabbling in the great Cloud journey. This path typically starts with parking some archived data in the Cloud, followed by moving development workloads, eventually leading to the migration of less critical production workloads, before finally embracing the Cloud strategy.

Customers continually tell us they are “Cloud shy” and unsure of whether they should or can make effective use of the Cloud’s capabilities. Some see this journey as the IT equivalent of climbing Mt. Everest – it’s scary and you don’t know exactly what’s waiting along the trail. Truthfully, it’s an excellent analogy for making the move to Cloud. However, no one ever makes their first climb of Mt. Everest without an experienced guide who knows and understands the vast terrain, rapidly changing weather conditions, and where deadly hazards lurk along the journey to the summit.

While the Cloud journey is not a life-threatening venture, it can significantly hurt a business if it’s done improperly. Just like climbing a mountain, the best course is to hire and utilize a guide who knows how to approach your specific problems while leveraging their expertise and experience. This is an essential step in completing the Cloud journey that allows one to proceed without degrading functionality, increasing costs, or receiving demands from an executive team/board of directors that you abandon the attempt entirely.

Converge Technology Solutions Corp. is a fourteen-company strong organization sitting on a peak, with an expansive view over the Cloud horizon. Converge has experience working with every notable Cloud provider in North America and has helped a vast number of companies blaze the trail to the Cloud. Some companies start small, with Exchange/Office 365, x86, and VM environments. Others go big, such as the clients we’ve assisted in migrating their IBM (iSeries, AIX, and Mainframe) production workloads to the cloud. Regardless of where you’re looking to begin, our migration assistance and capabilities span Public, Hybrid, and Enterprise/Private Cloud solutions, along with a variety of managed services to support them.

On your journey to the Cloud, there’s no need to go it alone. Organizations like Converge are here to serve as guides, with the knowledge, resources, and ability to walk alongside you and guide you through a successful and safe ascent to the Cloud. 

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