Digital Infrastructure

Avoid a Bad Day with Veeam Data Protection

When I read news articles of malicious attacks on networks and data center failures, I get that sick feeling in my stomach. I have empathy for those system administrators that are living out those stories, anticipating who knows how many long nights ahead of them....

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The Importance of Adaptive Infrastructure

We live, work and compute in an era of constant change. So for information technology (IT) teams, the importance of adaptive infrastructure is undeniable. Adaptive infrastructure enables organizations and their IT teams to be more agile in responding to new challenges...

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Netezza – How Easy Do We Have It?

When you read my earlier blog, “Netezza is making a comeback”, from this blog series, did you think to yourself, “Where did it go? I never left.” If you have ever had a chance to use Netezza in your data estate for warehousing, high-performance INZA push down...

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