Managed Services

Why You Should Consider Hybrid Cloud Storage

According to RightScale’s most recent State of the Cloud survey, 96 percent of organizations now use the cloud in some form or fashion. However, most also remain fully committed to keeping some mission-critical workloads on-premises. That’s why hybrid cloud is widely...

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The State (Noise) of Our DR Industry

Throughout my 25 years in the Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery industry, I have never heard so much noise.  Talk about an information overload.  It seems that in the recent past, it was much easier to steer customers toward strategies and solutions that met their...

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What Happened to Service?

When was the last time you truly received excellent service?  I’m referring to the type of service that made you stand up and actually take notice of what the word excellence really means. We live in a world where, I believe, mediocre service has become the norm. ...

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