GrrCON is an information security and hacking conference that provide the Information Security community with a fun atmosphere to come together and engage with likeminded people from around the globe. We keep GrrCON small with around 2,400 attendance to allow us to...
Horizon Desktops in the Cloud
So, you want to run your desktops in the cloud? That’s great! We can help you navigate your public cloud options so your business can maximize the benefits that the cloud can bring to your organization. But hold on just a minute. Before we dive in headfirst, let's...
Protecting the Endpoint – A Saga
For years, security practitioners have had the unenvious responsibility of architecting creative solutions to protect our end users. While there is nothing new to this, the issue is - and always will be - the moving target of...
Tackling the Growing Number of Ransomware Attacks
In the last six months alone, more than 715 vulnerabilities were discovered within remote access systems, VPN connections and online RDP services, often lacking network layer authentication (NLA). The increased use of Web applications to connect to certain critical...
From Guardium Appliances to a Security Data Science Platform – A POC Using Guardium Insights and Jupyter Lab
Guardium Insights 2.5 was released at the end of last year. It is a great new version of an exciting product from the Guardium team at IBM. We got it up and running over the holidays and started playing around with it. This article is a result of one of those...
Choosing Smarter Analysis Over Routine Reports Can Improve Security Intelligence
You’re collecting activity monitoring data. Are you making the most of it? As security systems in general, and database monitoring tools specifically, mature and become more sophisticated,...
Keep it Open, Keep it Interoperable
Interoperability (noun): the ability of computer systems or software to exchange and make use of information. It has long been said that people must work together – as a team – in order to be successful. That involves collaboration and, more importantly,...
Top Announcements from Microsoft Inspire: Azure, Teams, and Security
Things looked a little different for this year’s annual Microsoft Inspire event, a conference where partners around the world gather to discuss all things related to the well-known company. Although the event was held virtually this year, the experience remained the...